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Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
04/02/2025 10:27:00

Haiti - News : Zapping...
New attack in Kenscoff
Heavily armed individuals from the gang coalition "Viv Ansanm" carried out a new attack on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 in the town of Kenscoff before being pushed back by the police and retreating... said Jean Maxon Duvivier, Deputy Mayor of Kenskoff. Let us recall that these armed individuals "control" approximately 7 localities where almost daily clashes are reported with the police. See also :

Metropolitan area : Threat of attack
On Monday, February 3rd, following threats of attacks by armed gangs, the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince operated at a slow pace, the majority of schools and several businesses and institutions remained closed, public transportation was reduced and traffic flowed smoothly... A strong police presence was visible in the streets.

9 Haitians intercepted near Juno Beach pier
Early Monday morning, 9 Haitian migrants in an irregular migratory situation were arrested after their illegal arrival aboard a sailboat near the Juno Beach pier (Florida) said Jeffrey Dinise, Chief of the Miami sector of the US Border Patrol. The sailboat that transported them illegally was seized.

1,669 people displaced in Kenscoff
Following the armed attacks in the commune of Kenscoff, more precisely in its 2nd section of Bongars and its 3rd section of Sourcailles, 1,669 people (345 households) were displaced, most of whom (67%) found refuge with relatives in host families, while 33% went to three newly created accommodation sites.

CEP Appoints Executive Director
On Friday, January 31, 2025, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) meeting in an extraordinary session appointed Philippe Augustin, current Director of the Electoral Register, as Executive Director of the CEP, among three candidates. The official installation ceremony will take place this Tuesday, February 4th, 2025.

Final tax return, deadline extended
The Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) announced the extension of the deadline for filing the final tax return for taxpayers who now have until February 28, 2025 to submit their declaration.

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