Elections : Votes, results, polls, candidate, biographies, programs, calendar, news... |

Haiti - Elections : Towards the diaspora vote, registration and distribution of CIN 10/02/2025 09:13:50 |
Earlier last week, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) organized a working session with executives from the National Identification Office (ONI)... |
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Haiti - FLASH : The Diaspora will be able to vote in the next Haitian elections 02/02/2025 08:38:21 |
Smith Augustin, Presidential Transition Council, participated in Miami, Florida, at the 16th Annual NHAEON Leadership Summit. During his speech, he discussed the key role of the Haitian-American diaspora in governance... |
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Haiti - Referendum : Nearly 2,000 candidates for BRD and BRC positions have passed the selection exam 20/01/2025 08:35:52 |
On Sunday, January 19, 2025, approximately 2,000 candidates (for all 10 departments) interested in the positions of members of the Departmental Referendum Offices (BRD) and the Municipal Referendum Offices (BRC), took a selection exam... |
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Haiti - FLASH : NOTICE of recruitment for the referendum (CEP) 10/01/2025 06:19:29 |
As part of the organization of the upcoming referendum, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) invites qualified citizens to submit their candidacy for the positions of members of the Departmental and Municipal Referendum Bureaux... |
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Haiti - Constitution : The CEP transmitted to the Government 4 important documents relating to the referendum 01/01/2025 08:20:14 |
On Monday, December 30, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) met with Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé and some members of his team, including the Minister Delegate for Electoral Affairs... |
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Elections : The CEP is now complete with 44% women (list) 14/12/2024 07:54:30 |
Friday, December 13, Leslie Voltaire, President of the Transitional Council, accompanied by Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, attended the swearing-in and installation ceremony of the 2 missing CEP advisers... |
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Haiti - Elections : Important forum on the challenges and conditions for the success of the referendum and electoral process 10/11/2024 08:37:43 |
On Saturday, November 9, 2024, the Presidential Transitional Council launched at the Montana Hotel, the Forum to support the electoral process on the theme « Challenges and conditions for the success of the referendum and electoral process »... |
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Haiti - Elections : First activities of the CEP 06/11/2024 08:29:55 |
Let's recall that on October 18, 2024, 7 out of 9 members of the CEP appointed by decree, published on September 19, 2024 in the official journal « Le Moniteur » took the oath before the Court of Cassation and were installed in their position... |
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Haiti - Elections : Swearing-in of CEP members (Video of Voltaire's speech) 19/10/2024 09:02:21 |
On Friday, President Leslie Voltaire of the Transitional Council attended the swearing-in ceremony of 7 of the 9 members of the CEP, without the Representatives of the Human Rights and Women sectors, who have still not finalized their choice... |
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Haiti - Elections : Finally a Provisional Electoral Council to prepare the first elections 19/09/2024 09:55:53 |
The Council of Ministers validated yesterday Wednesday a Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), to prepare the country for its first general elections since 2016... |
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